How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (2024)

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How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app’s dating feature How to activate Facebook Dating How to use Facebook Dating BEKIJK OOK: Beninse bronsgieters verdwijnen langzaam uit Nigeria, waardoor de historische kunst ook uitsterft Rusland heeft tanks voorzien van kooien ter bescherming tegen drones – nadeel is dat ’turtle tank’ kwetsbaar is in klassiek gevecht Prijzen warmtepompen dalen, nu aanschafplicht hybride pomp toch niet doorgaat Deze kaarten laten zien hoeveel gebied Oekraïne naar schatting in 1 week heeft bezet in Rusland bij opmars in Koersk Worden huishoudens die veel zonnestroom terugleveren, op kosten gejaagd? Marktwaakhond ACM gaat onderzoek doen Dit zijn de 5 snelst ladende elektrische auto’s in 2024: Lotus aan kop Scientists think they’ve found the origin of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. It could help prevent a future mass extinction on Earth. We spent about $35,000 for my 40th birthday trip to Ghana. It was worth every penny. RFK Jr. stuck his hand in the Central Park bear’s mouth. Necropsy shows he may have been knuckle-deep in her leaked brain. With the Middle East on the edge and Iran and its proxies riled up, US forces in Iraq and Syria are again taking hits S&P 500 caps off its best week of the year after strong economic data Partnerexperts Elke week op de hoogte: Nieuwsbrief Verkiezingen VS Vacatures Het Beste van Business Insider (ma-za): meld je aan! Ik ben op meer dan 50 cruises geweest – bij deze 4 rederijen zou ik opnieuw boeken, als dertiger zonder kinderen Oekraïne profiteerde bij offensief in Koersk waarschijnlijk van chaos bij afstemmen van militaire verantwoordelijkheden in Rusland Deze 7 fouten en misvattingen wil je voorkomen bij je eerste trip naar Dubai, zeggen 2 kenners Rusland heeft moeite om miljarden uit internationale handel naar eigen land te halen: geld zit vast op buitenlandse rekeningen ‘Oekraïense president Zelensky zou plan voor opblazen Nord Stream-gasleiding hebben willen intrekken’ Rusland haalt troepen van het zuiden van Oekraïne naar Koersk in poging om Oekraïense aanval af te slaan References


How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app’s dating feature

How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (1)

Dave Johnson

How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (2)
How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (3)
  • Facebook Dating is a free dating service that's part of the Facebook app for iPhone and Android.
  • You can get started by tapping the Dating button in the shortcuts section of the three-line menu on Facebook.
  • Facebook Dating can help you find matches using your interests, Facebook events, and Facebook Groups.
  • Visit Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

While single people are more or less inundated with dating apps, everything from Tinder to Hinge to Bumble and many others as well, Facebook offers its own dating service, baked into the Facebook mobile app.

While it has a relatively modest user base, it is an attractive alternative because it leverages the existing Facebook audience and promises to more easily connect you with people who share your interests and activities. In addition, unlike almost any other dating app, Facebook Dating is completely free – there are no premium features behind a paywall.

How to activate Facebook Dating

Facebook Dating is only available in the mobile app (Android, iOS), so you can't access it in a web browser or on your computer. But getting to the dating app is simple:

1. Start the Facebook app on your mobile device.

2. Tap the three-line menu.

3. In the All Shortcuts section, look for Dating. If you don't see it, scroll down and tap See More.

How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (4)

4. Tap Dating.

How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (5)

5. Tap Get Started.

6. Follow the instructions to set up your dating profile. Facebook imports a lot of details from your Facebook profile, but you can specify which items become a part of the new profile. To change an item, tap the Pencil, and to remove it from your profile entirely, tap the X.

How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (6)

7. Continue to progress through the profile setup. You can specify details like your height, whether you have kids, and if you want to use location services so Facebook Dating can match you with other local people.

8. When you're done, tap Confirm to publish your profile.

How to use Facebook Dating

If you have any experience with other dating apps, you should be right at home in Facebook Dating. After you complete your profile, you can always get back to it from your shortcuts in the three-line menu in the same way as when you set up your profile. Here is how to use the Dating app:

At the top of the page, you'll see three buttons: Profile, Liked you, and Matches. There's also a Gear icon at the top right.

How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (7)
  • Profile: Tap Profile to customize your dating profile. You can add or remove photos, add introductory text, tweak your stats, and add hobbies and interests.
  • Liked you: Tap this button to see any other users who have "liked" your profile, and you can like or dismiss them from here as well. If you both choose Like, that person ends up in the Matches section.
  • Matches: If both parties like each other, the other user will appear at the top of this page. Tap a photo to start a conversation with that person, and active conversations appear in the lower half of the page.
  • Gear: Customize whom you consider to be your ideal match. You can specify living distance, age, gender, height, language, and more.

The central part of the page is the photo of your possible match. You can tap the Heart button to like the profile or the X to dislike, but if you want more information before making a decision, tap the photo. Now you'll see all the details along with other photos. You can tap the buttons to like or dislike, or swipe right to like and swipe left to dislike, just like other dating apps.

In the More to Explore section, there are a number of other options:

How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (8)
  • Second Look: Tap this button to see profiles you previously disliked. Unlike most other dating apps, this gives you another opportunity to review and like a profile you passed on.
  • Events in Common: Facebook gives you the opportunity to match with people based on Facebook Events you signed up for. It can suggest possible matches if you both attended the same event.
  • Groups in Common: Likewise, Facebook can pair you with people who are members of the same Facebooks Groups you belong to.
  • Secret Crush: Is there someone on Facebook you're interested in romantically? Tap this button to have the opportunity to select a Facebook friend or Instagram follower — you can add up to nine at any one time. If you do, that person will be notified that they have a secret crush. If that person also marks you as a crush, your identity will be revealed.

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How to activate and use Facebook Dating, the social media app's dating feature (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.