Information about music used during the series
Music Info:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 1
1X01 – Deep Throat
Song Title: The Truth
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: The last scenewhere Deep Throat meets Mulder.
1X03 – Conduit
Song Title: Brandenburg ConcertoNo. 4 in G Major, Mvt. I, Allegro
Composer: Johann SebastianBach
Album: Essential Bach
Used in: Played and mentioned– It was the music that Kevin “decoded” from his binary writings.
Composer also heard in 2×01– Little Green Men, 4×12 – Kaddish
1X12 – Beyond the Sea
Song Title: Beyond the Sea
Artist: Bobby Darin
Album: The Ultimate BobbyDarin
Used in: Played at Scully’sfather’s funeral and hummed by Luther Lee Boggs when first meeting Scully.
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Song Title: All Along theWatchtower
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
Album: Electric Ladyland
Used in:
Scully: Did Boggs confess?
Mulder: No, no, it was fivehours of Boggs’ channelling. After three hours I asked him to summon upthe soul of Jimi Hendrix, and requested ‘All Along The Watchtower’. Youknow, the guy’s been dead twenty years, but he still hasn’t lost his edge.
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Song Title: Hotel California
Artist: The Eagles
Album: Hotel California
Used in: Scully’s flashback
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Artist also heard in 5×05– Christmas Carol
1X13 – Genderbender
Song Title: “In The LineOf Duty: Street War” Main Theme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The teaser – itwas the background music at the club
Song Title: Radar Love
Artist: Golden Earrings
Album: Moontan
Used in:
Scully: The chemicals animalssecrete? You mean, sexual attractants?
Mulder: Radar love. Onlyabout a hundred times stronger than found anywhere in nature, strong enoughto product anaphylactic shock or a coronary.
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Artist also mentioned in2×06 – Ascension
1X16 – E.B.E.
Song Title: E.B.E. Theme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Near the end whereMulder and Scully tries to get in the research facility.
1X23 – Roland
Song Title: Roland Theme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The last scene.
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Season 2
2X01 – Little Green Men
Song Title: BrandenburgConcerto No. 2 in F
Composer: Johann SebastianBach
Used When: Mulder meetswith Senator Matheson. Matherson asked Mulder if he’d like to hear thesong again, Mulder replies “I live for Bach.”
Composer also heard in 1×03– Conduit, 4×12 – Kaddish
Song Title: Come Out andPlay
Artist: The Offspring
Album: Smash
Used When: Mentioned ina conversation between 2 guys Mulder had phone tapped. One was at a stripclub and said one of the strippers danced to this song.
2X06 – Ascension
Song Title: Red Right Hand
Artist: Nick Cave and theBad Seeds
Album: Let Love In
Used When: Duane Berry waslistening to it in the car radio when he had Scully in his car’s trunkgoing up to Skyland Mountains
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Song Title: Radar Love
Artist: Golden Earrings
Album: Moontan
Used in: Mentioned
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Artist also heard in 1×13– Genderbender
Song Title: Keeping Faith
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The end scene
2X07 – “3”
Song Title: The UnheardMusic
Artist: X
Album: Los Angeles
Used When: As Kristen tookMulder’s hand and lead him to a couch in Club Tepes.(Thanks Kristy!)
Artist also heard in 4×13– Never Again, The X-Files FTF Soundtrack
2X08 – One Breath
Song Title: Back from Eternity
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
2X13 – Irresistable
Song Title: Trios Gymnopedies
Composer: Erik Satie
Album: Satie: Piano Works/ Aldo Ciccolini
Used When: Teaser – in thebeginning at the funeral scene of Jennifer; Only the First Movement wasplayed
2X14 – Die Hand DieVerletzt
Song Title: The Night ChicagoDied
Artist: Paper Lace
Album: 70’s Party Killers
Used When: Mentioned – Muldersarcastically said that this song was ‘devil music’ after the local sheriffof Milford Haven, New Hampshire, commented such music had probably inspiredteens in town being involved with satanic cults. (credit: The UnauthorizedX-Cyclopedia by James Hatfield/George Burt)
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2X20 – Humbug
Song Title: Frenzy
Artist: Screaminë Jay Hawkins
Album: Cow Fingers And MosquitoPie
Used When: Hepcat Helm’sfirst scene and when he was killed.
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Artist/song are also heardon Songs in the Key of X
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Season 3
3X03 – D.P.O.
Song Title: Ring The Bells
Artist: James
Album: The Best Of James
Used in: Teaser: on jukeboXand radio in the car
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Song Title: Hey Man, NiceShot
Artist: Filter
Album: Short Bus
Used in: The scene at Mr.Kiveat’s Garage
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Artist also heard on TheX-Files FTF Soundtrack and Songs in the Key of X Soundtrack
Song Title: Live Fast, Diarrhea
Artist: The Vandals
Album: Live Fast, Diarrhea
Used in: Last scene whereDarren flips channels on tv with his powers
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3X04 – Clyde BruckmanísFinal Repose
Song Title: Chantilly Lace
Artist: The Big Bopper
Album: Hellooo Baby!: Bestof the Big Bopper
Used in: Mentioned – Clydetold Mulder and Scully about this song out in
the woods when searchingfor the dead woman.
3X08 – Oubliette
Song Title: Kyrie (Eleison)
Artist: Mr. Mister
Album: Welcome to the RealWorld (Thanks frumious bandersnatch for the album title!)
Used in: Last scene
Song Title: Oubliette EndTheme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: At the end
3X10 – 731
Song Title: On a Train
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Scene where Muldersneak to go on the train.
3X13 – Syzygy
Song Title: Gayaneh: SabreDance
Composer: Aram Khachaturian
Album: ThunderousClassics – The Ultimate in Bombastic Music
Used in: Played throughoutthe ep whenever Keystone Cops went on
and at the end
Song Title: Deep
Artist: Danzig
Album: Songs In The KeyOf X
Used in: Music at Terriand Margi’s birthday party
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Artist also heard in 5×09– Schizogeny
Song Title: All Over You
Artist: Live
Album: Throwing Copper
Used in: Music also playedat Terri and Margi’s birthday party.
3X16 – Apocrypha
Song Title: Apocrypha
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: Scene where Scullyvisits Melissa’s grave.
3X17 – Pusher
Song Title: Misty
Artist: Johnny Mathis
Album: Heavenly
Used in: Teaser – when Modellsings it while getting some CarboBoost at local market
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Artist also heard in 4×03– Home
3X18 – Teso Dos Bichos
Song Title: Piano Sonata8 Op 13
Composer: Lundwig Van Beethoven
Album: Beethoven: PianoSonatas Nos. 14, 8 & 23
Used in: Teaser
Composer also heard in 4×14– Leonard Betts
3X20 – Jose Chung’sFrom Outer Space
Song Title: The X-FilesLove Suite
Artist: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Thoughout the endof the episode – when Mr. Chung narrates his conclusion and scene wherethe young couple talk about love.
3X22 – Quagmire
Song Title: True Colors
Artist: Cyndi Lauper
Album: True Colors
Used in: Scene where AnselBray (photographer) sings it before he gets attacked/eaten
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Season 4
4X03 – Home
Song Title: Wonderful! Wonderful!
Artist: Johnny Mathis
Performed by: Kenny James
Album: Wonderful
Used in: The Taylors’ deathscene and the last scene
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Artist also heard in 3×17– Pusher
4X07 – Musings ofa Cigarette Smoking Man
Song Title: It’s The MostWonderful Time Of The Year
Artist: Andy Williams
Album: The Most WonderfulTime Of The Year
Used in: CSM’s apartmentwhen he was using his typewriter
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4X08 – Paper Hearts
Song Title: Paper HeartIntro
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: Teaser when thered light showed up
Song Title: Paper HeartsEnd
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: The end where Mulderhugs Scully
4X11 – El Mundo Gira
Song Title: Purple Rain
Artist: The Artist FormerlyKnown as Prince
Album: Purple Rain
Used in:
Mulder: “…But there havebeen reported cases of blue, purple, and green rains.”
Scully: “Purple rain?”
Mulder: “Yeah, Great album.Deeply flawed movie though.”
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Song Title: I Just Met aGirl Named Maria from West Side Story
Album: West Side Story Soundtrack
Used in: Mentioned – Muldermade several references throughout the episode
4X12 – Kaddish
Song Title: “Little” Fuguein G Minor
Composer: Johann SebastianBach
Album: Bach: Greatest Hits
Used in: One of the synagoguescenes.
Composer also heard in 1×03– Conduit, 2×01 – Little Green Men
4X13 – NeverAgain
Song Title: Tattooed LoveBoys
Artist: The Pretenders
Album: The Pretenders
Used in: Beginning of episodewhere Ed is in the bar
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Song Title: Doesn’t SomebodyWant To Be Wanted
Artist: The Partridge Family
Album: Up To Date– The Definitive Collection
Used in: Before Ed wentto kill downstairs neighbor
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Song Title: The Have Nots
Artist: X
Album: Under the Big BlackSun
Used in: Background musicof the club Scully and Ed Jerse go to. (Thanks frumious bandersnatch forthe listing! Thanks Heather for song title!)
Artist also heard in 2×07– “3”, The X-Files FTF Soundtrack
Song Title: The Ouroboros
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The music whileScully gets her tattoo.
Song Title: Disco Inferno
Artist: –
Album: –
Used in: Part of the MarkSnow’s score for the episode, as Ed Jerse drags an unconscious Scully downthe stairs. (Thanks frumious bandersnatch for the listing!)
4X14 – Leonard Betts
Song Title: 2nd Movementfrom Piano Concerto No. 4
Composer: Lundwig Van Beethoven
Album: Beethoven: CompletePiano Sonatas & Concertos
Used in: Music at the hospital
Composer also heard in 3×18– Teso Dos Bichos
4X15 – Momento Mori
Song Title: Momento MoriIntro
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The teaser whileScully has her opening monologue
4X18 – Max
Song Title: Unmarked Helicopters
Artist: Soul Coughing
Album: Songs in the Keyof X
Used in: When Mulderand Scully first go check out Max’s trailer, this song was playing inside
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Artist also heard on TheX-Files FTF Soundtrack
4X20 – Small Potatoes
Song Title: (Ain’t It) FunnyHow Time Slips Away
Artist: Al Green
Album: Call Me
Used in: Near the end ofepisode, where “Mulder” (really he’s Eddie) tries to seduce Scully, whilethey share wine and past-time stories
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Season 5
5X03 – Redux II
Song Title: Reunion
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: When Mulder brieflyreunites with Samantha at the diner
Song Title: Redux II Theme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: When Mulder visitsScully at the hospital at night and cries by her hand.
5X04 – Detour
Song Title: The CockroachThat Ate Cincinatti
Artist: Rose & The ArrangementDrill
Album: Dr. Demento 20thAnniversary Collection: The Greatest Novelty Records Of All Time
Used in:
Scully: Would that be filednext to the cockroach that ate Cincinatti?
Mulder: No, The cockroachthat ate Cincinatti would be filed under C, Moth men are filed under M.
Song Title: Joy to the World
Artist: Three Dog Night
Album: Naturally
Used in: Scene where Scullysings Mulder to sleep near a log, in a forrest
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5X06 – Post-ModernPrometheus
Song Title: The Sun Ain’tGonna Shine Anymore
Artist: Cher
Album: It’s a Man’s World
Used in: Teaser – when TheGreat Mutato visits Shaineh
Song Title: Gypsys, Trampsand Thieves
Artist: Cher
Album: Gypsys, Tramps &Thieves
Used in: The Great Mutatogoes to Pollidori residence
Play it: Guitar Tab is available
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Song Title: Walking in Memphis
Recorded By: Cher
Album: It’s a Man’s World
Originally recorded by:Marc Cohn
Album: Marc Cohn
5X05 – Christmas Carol
Song Title: Hotel California
Artist: The Eagles
Album: Hotel California
Used in: Not played – mentioned;in a flashback, Scully wanted this album
as a Christmas present
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Artist also heard in 1×12– Beyond The Sea
5X07 – Emily
Song Title: Silent Night
Artist: N/A – Traditional
Album: –
Used in: At The Scullys’house, while Scully gets the phone
Song Title: End Scene
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The ending sceneof the episode
5X09 – Schizogeny
Song Title: Deep
Artist: Danzig
Album: Songs In The KeyOf X
Used in: Bobby’s truck playsit on his radio when he talks to Lisa
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Song Title: In the Handsof Death (Burn Baby Burn)
Artist: Rob Zombie &Alice Cooper
Album: Songs In The KeyOf X
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5X10 – Chinga (akaBunghoney)
Song Title: Hokey Pokey
Artist: Ray Anthony
Album: Capitol CollectorsSeries
Used in: Frequently usedthroughout episode
X-Challenge Winner!:
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Song Title: Hummel’s PianoConcerto No. 3 – Opus 89
Composer: Hummel
Album: –
Used in: When Scully drovein town and scene where she has her bubble bath
5X11 – Kill Switch
Song Title: Twilight Time
Artist:The Platters
Album: Magic Touch – AnAnthology
Used in: Frequently usedthroughout episode
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5X12 – Bad Blood
Song Title: Theme from Shaft
Artist: Isaac Hayes
Album: Shaft Soundtrack
Used in: When Scully tellsher version of events of when Mulder sang that song while being ‘out ofit’
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Song Title: Ride Of The ValkyriesFrom Wagner’s Opera die Walküre
Composer: Richard Wagner
Album: The Best of Wagner
Used in: Often used in MarkSnow’s score for episode
Composer also heard in 8×16– Vienen
Song Title: Rondo Capriccio
Composer: Camille Saint-Saëns
Album: –
Used in: Used in main themeof episode; also in Mark Snow’s score for ep
5X14 – The Red andThe Black
Song Title: The Red andThe Black Theme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The end scene wherethe mail boy delivers a letter back to CSM out in the snowy mountains.
5X15 – Travelers
Song Title: Lili Marlene
Artist: Lale Anderson/MarleneDietrich
Album: Lili Marlene
Used in: At German doctor’shouse scene
5X16 – Mind’s Eye
Song Title: Mind’s Eye End
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: At the end of theepisode where Marty is left in the prison.
5X20 – The End
Song Title: The End Theme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The end scene whereMulder and Scully find their office burned up in ashes.
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Season 6
6X01 – The Beginning
Song Title: Put On A HappyFace
Artist: Lee Adams &Charles Strouse
Album: Bye Bye Birdie Soundtrack
Used in: Homer hears andsings along to this at nuclear plant before getting attacked
6X03 – Triangle
Song Title: Bei Mir Bistdu Schön
Artist: The Andrews Sisters
Album: All Time Favorites
Used in: Near beginningof ep, plays in background on radio on during Mulder and Spender fight.
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Song Title: JeepersCreepers
Artist: Sally Stevens (RecordedBy)
Album: N/A
Used in: Ballroom scenewhen Mulder first goes there; Kersh’s secretary sings this song on stage
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Song Title: Swing, Swing,Swing
Composer: John Williams
Album: 1941 – Original MotionPicture Soundtrack also: Swing, Swing, Swing Soundtrack
Used in: When Mulder and1939-Scully gets out of the ballroom fight, while the real Scully withthe Lone Gunmen looks around the boat.
Song Title: The TriangleEnd Theme (Piano solo)
Artist: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The last scenewhere Mulder is in the hospital and both Scully and him talk. It is themusic in the background when Mulder says “I love you” to Scully.
6X05 – Dreamland II
Song Title: Dreamland Scenemusic
Composer: Mark Snow
Used in: Scenes with Mulderas “Fletcher” and Fletcher’s wife at their house
Song Title: Letís Get itOn
Artist: Marvin Gaye
Album: Let’s Get It on
Used in: Briefly sung byMorris Fletcher being “Mulder” as he was bringing wine to Scully at Mulder’sapartment.
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6X06 – Terms of Endearment
Song Title: Only Happy WhenIt Rains
Artist: Garbage
Album: Garbage
Used in: Played in Wayne’scar radio when driving to his other wife’s home and the last scene whenBetsy drives away
Play it!: Guitar Tab, BassGuitar, and Sheet Music are available
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6X07 – The Rain King
Song Title: RainyDays And Mondays
Artist: The Carpenters
Album: Best Of Carpenters
Used in: Teaser – Playedin Darryl’s car radio before car accident caused by huge heart-shaped hail
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Song Title: Rock The Boat
Artist: The Hues Corporation
Album: Rock The Boat
Used in: High School Reunionscene
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Song Title: Things We DoFor Love
Artist: 10CC
Album: Deceptive Bends
Used in: High School Reunionscene
Song Title: Over The Rainbow
Artist: Judy Garland
Album: The Wizardof Oz Soundtrack
Used in: Last scenes, startsafter severe storm stops near School Reunion and continues in Sheila withher baby
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6X08 – How the GhostsStole Christmas
Song Title: Silent Night
By: N/A – Traditional song
Album: –
Used in: Not played – mentioned;beginning of ep during Scully converses with Mulder in his car, she saidif she were to hear Silent Night one more time, she was going to take hostages.
Song Title: Have YourselfA Merry Little Christmas
Recorded By: Bing Crosby
Album: Bing Crosby’s ChristmasClassics
Used in: At the beginningand at the last two scenes – when Mulder and Scully are downstairs coveredin blood and when they eXchange gifts
6X12 – One Son
Song Title: One Son End
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: The last scene
6X20 – The Unnatural
Song Title: Come And GoWith Me To That Land
Artist: Bernice JohnsonReagon
Album: River Of Life/HarmonyOne
Used in: Once on the baseballteam bus; when that alien dies in Arthur Dale’s arms; and end scene whereMulder and Scully hit baseballs
6X22 – Biogenesis
Song Title: Requiem: DiesIrae
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Album: Dies Irae – The EssentialChoral Collection
Used in: Quoted by MarkSnow during the final scene as Scully sees the ship.
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Season 7
7X05 – Millennium
Song Title: Auld Lang Syne
Artist: Guy Lombardo (bestknown version)
Album: –
Used in: Background musicon tv as Mulder and Scully kiss
7X02 – The GoldbergVariation
Song Title: Variation 21– Canone Alla Settima
Composer: Bach
Album: Goldberg Variations/NES Chamber Orchestra
Used in: The elevator musicin opening teaser (ThanX to White Noise for listing!)
Song Title: The GoldbergVariation Theme (Piano solo)
Artist: Mark Snow
Album: –
7X07 – Orison
Song Title: Don’t Look AnyFurther
Artist: John Hiatt (Originallyby: Dennis Edwards)
Album: Don’t Look Any Further
Used in: Frequently usedthroughout this episode .
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Song Title: Sheep Go To Heaven
Artist: Cake
Album: ProlongingThe Magic
Used in: Not played. Beginningof episode at the U.S. Penitentiary located in Marion, Illinois. Scullywalks by in this “church room” there passing by a wall that has the words:‘Sheep Go To Heaven, Goats Go To Hell’
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7X10 – Sein Und Zeit
Song Title: God Rest YeMerry Gentlemen
Artist:- Traditional
Album: –
Used in: Ed Truelove changingin Santa clothes at Santa’s North Pole Village, near end the episode
7X11 – Closure
Song Title: Closure End
Artists: Moby/Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Teaser and lastscene with the children where Mulder reunites with Samantha for one lasttime.
Song Title: My Weakness
Artist: Moby
Album: Play
Used in: Teaser and lastscene with the children where Mulder reunites with Samantha for one lasttime.
Artist also heard in 7×17– all things
7X12 – X-Cops
Song Title: Bad Boys (Themefrom COPS)
Artist: Inner Circle
Album: Bad Boys
Used in: Teaser as openingcredits for episode
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Song Title: If I Didnít Care
Artist: Ink Spots
Album: The Millennium Collection:The Best of The Ink Spots
Used in: The song was sungBy Edie when Scully and Mulder first went to Steve and Edie’s house toquestion them.
7X17 – all things
Song Title: The Sky Is Broken
Artist: Moby
Album: Play
Used in: Frequentlyused throughout whole episode
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Artist also heard in 7×11– Closure
7X18 – Hollywood A.D.
Song Title: I Am The Walrus
Artist: The Beatles
Album: Magical MysteryTour
Used in: Partly playsduring The Lazarus Bowl scenel; also mentioned in ep
Song Title: Pueblo Nuevo
Artist: Ry Cooder and theBuena Vista Social Club
Album: Buena VistaSocial Club
Used in: Very lastscene of the dancing zombies on movie set
7X20 – Fight Club
Song Title: Kansas City
Artist: Wilbert Harrison
Album: Kansas City(Collectables)
Used in: Frequentlyused throughout episode
7X21 – Je Souhaite
Song Title: I’m Alright
Artist: Kenny Loggins
Album: Yesterday, Today,Tomorrow…
Used in: When Mulderand Scully watch Caddyshack
Song Title: I Dream of GenieTheme
Artist: Hugo (written byBuddy Kaye)
Album: Television’sGreatest Hits, Vol.1: From the 50’s and 60’s
Used in: Hummed byMulder and said by the Will Sasso character
7×22 – Requiem
Song Title: Requiem End
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: While Mulder walksinto the bright light and gets abducted.
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Season 8
8X01 – Within
Song Title: Scully’s Theme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: Throughout episodewhenever Scully’s thinking of Mulder or is in deep thought
8×02 – Without
Song Title: The Desert
Artist: N/A
Album: N/A
Used in: When Scully followsThea into the desert.
8×06 – Invocation
Song Title: All The PrettyLittle Horses
Artist: N/A – Traditional
Album: N/A
Used in: Near the end, whereRonnie Purnell quietly sings/hums this to Billy Underwood. It was alsoused in Mark Snow’s score for the episode.
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Song Title: Swan Lake
Composer: Tchaikovsky
Album: –
8×07 – Via Negtiva
Song Title: Doggett’s Vision
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: During Doggett’svision of beheading Scully’s head.
8×08 – Per Manum
Song Title: Last Chance
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Towards the endof the episode; where Scully gets back from the clinic to tell Mulder thatthe invetro didn’t work.
8×10 – Salvage
Song Title: Piano ConcertoIn A Minor
Composer: Edvard Grieg
Album: –
Used in: Part of the episode’sscore
8×14 – This Is NotHappening (TINH)
Song Title: We Were AlmostToo Late
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: Scully interrogatesJeremiah Smith
Song Title: Scully’s Mulder-Vision
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: Scene where Scullyjust gets in and suddenly sees a vision of Mulder in the dark.
Song Title: This Is Not HappeningTheme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: the whole lastscene – Scully sees Mulder dead, runs back to the house to get Jermiah,but he’s gone and Scully’s in despair.
8×15 – DeadAlive
Song Title: DeadAlive hospitalmusic
Composer: Mark snow
Album: N/A
Used in: When Scully visitsMulder at the hospital.
8×17 – Empedocles
Song Title: N/A
Artist: Marilyn Manson
Album: N/A – ??
Used in:
Det. Potter: Yeah, but whatabout all these images… these devil pictures?
Reyes: It’s Marilyn Manson.
Det. Potter: (confused)Marilyn Manson??
Reyes: Your kids listento him. They probably buy his CDs at K-Mart. I don’t think there’s anythingsatanic going on here, Detective.
8×18 – Vienen
Song Title: Ride Of The ValkyriesFrom Wagner’s Opera die Walküre
Composer: Richard Wagner
Album: The Best of Wagner
Used in: Scene where Doggetttries to fix the radio, this song comes on
Composer also heard in 5×12– Bad Blood
8×21 – Existence
Song Title: Democrat Hotsprings
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: Reyes and Scullyarrive at Democrat Hotsprings and Reyes tell Scully a little bit aboutit.
Audio Title: Mood Music
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Last half of theepisode; when Reyes tells Scully about whale calls and music when Reyessees the bright light outside
Song Title: Where Is She
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Towards the endof the episode; where Mulder arrives at Democrat Hotsprings by helicopterto get Scully
Song Title: End Scene with“Scully’s Theme”
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The whole lastscene where Mulder and Scully hugged and kissed with William between them.
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Season 9
9X05 –4-D
Song Title: Monica’s Decision
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Scene where Reyesdecides to end Doggett’s life in the hospital.
9X06 – Lord of theFlies
Song Title: No Good Trying
Artist: Syd Barrett
Album: Best of: Wouldn’tYou Miss Me? – The Madcap Laughs
Used in: Music that DylanLokensgard turns on in his room and turns it up louder when his motheris calling him. The cover pictured on the left was also a poster up onDylan’s wall.
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Song Title: Terrapin
Artist: Syd Barrett
Album: The Madcap Laughs
Used in: Background musicin Dylan Lokensgard’s room when Natalie Gordon comes up to talk to Dylan.
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Song Title: Opel
Artist: Syd Barrett
Album: Opel
Used in: Dylan mentionsthe line: “a dream in a mist of gray,” to Natalie in the same scene as“Terrapin” was playing in the background.
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9X07 – John Doe
Song Title: Semper Fi
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: N/A
Used in: Scene where Doggetttries to figure out who he is and sees his tattoo on his arm.
9X08 – TrustNo1
Song Title: Barcarole (“June”),Op. 37, No. 6 from The Seasons
Composer: Pyotr Il’yichTchaikovsky
Album: The Best of Tchaikovsky
Used in: The teaser duringScully’s voiceover and then used towards the end of the episode in theslow-motion train scene.
Song Title: Barcarole (X-Filesversion)
Performed by: Richard Grayson
Album: –
Used in: The teaser duringScully’s voiceover and then used towards the end of the episode in theslow-motion train scene.
Song Title: Scully’s Theme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: The end scene whileScully writes the e-mail.
9X11 – Providence
Song Title: This Is NotHappening Theme
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Part of episodescore; when the alien cult members gather on top of the spacecraft nearthe end of the episode.
9X13 – Audrey Pauley
Song Title: Void
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Reyes steps outsideof the hospital, only to find out she’s in another world.
Song Title: Back to Life
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Scene where Audreyleads the way for Reyes to get back to the real world.
Song Title: Goodnight
Composer: Mark Snow
Album: –
Used in: Near the end ofthe episode where Doggett and Reyes say goodbye to each other
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Season 10
10X04 –Home Again
Song Title: Downtown (uncredited)
Composer: Tony Hatch
Performed by: Petula Clark
Album: –
10X05 –Babylon
Song Title: Something Bad
Written by: Chris DeStefano, Brett James and Priscilla Renea
Performed by Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood
Album: –
Song Title: Achy Breaky Heart
Written by: Don Von Tress
Performed by Billy Ray Cyrus
Album: –
Song Title: Honky Tonk Badonkadonk
Performed by: Trace Atkins
Album: –
Song Title: Secret Heart
Written by: Ron Sexsmith
Performed by: Ron Sexsmith
Album: –
Song Title: Misery Is the River of the World (uncredited)
Written by: Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan
Performed by: Tom Waits
Album: –
Song Title: Ho Hey (uncredited)
Performed by: Lumineers
Album: –
Song Title: Urban Islam (uncredited)
Written by: Audio Android
Performed by: Audio Android
Album: –
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Season 11
11X02 –This
Song Title: California Sun
Written by: Henry Glover
Performed by: The Ramones
Album: –
11X03 –Plus One
Song Title: Unsaid Undone
Written by: David Duchovny
Performed by: Sore Points
Album: –
Song Title: Mule Skinner Blues
Written by: Jimmie Rodgers and Vaughn Horton (as George Vaughn)
Performed by: Sore Points
Album: –
11X07 –Rm9sbG93ZXJz
Song Title: Teach Your Children (uncredited)
Written by: Graham Nash
Performed by: Crosby Stills Nash & Young
Album: –
11X09 –Nothing Lasts Forever
Song Title: The Morning After (uncredited)
Written by: Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn
Performed by: Fiona Vroom
Album: –
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